Competence Centre for LGBTIQ* Education

  • Training programmes on diversity and antidiscrimination focussing on sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC)
  • For managers and educational staff at schools and in youth welfare services
  • Commissioned by the State of Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family
  • Well established training activities, hands-on counsellings and cutting-edge pedagogical materials
  • All-in-one educational concept encompassing knowledge transfer, awareness raising and practical application
  • In the framework of human rights education, inclusion and democracy education

Since 2019 QUEERFORMAT is the Competence Centre (Fachstelle) of the State of Berlin for the implementation and quality assurance of educational work in the field of diversity related to sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC diversity).

As an educational initiative QUEERFORMAT is experienced in LGBT education since 1980. Implementing the parliamentary action plan Initiative „Berlin tritt ein für Selbstbestimmung und Akzeptanz sexueller Vielfalt“ (“Berlin supports self determination and acceptance of sexual diversity”, 2009) we have been organising educational activities for schools, day care centres, Youth Welfare Offices and youth welfare service organisations since 2010.

With some 140 trainings and 40 pedagogical counsellings we reach around 2000 participants (key persons and educational staff) a year.

Our services offered are trainings, counsellings and materials on SOGIESC diversity. Thus we support managers and educational staff to create enabling pedagogical environments: welcoming diversity, working inclusively and taking action against discrimination.